Perfect love is rare indeed … To be a lover will require that you continually have the subtlety of the very wise, the flexibility of the child, the sensitivity of the artist, the understanding of the philosopher, the acceptance of the saint, the tolerance of the scholar, and the fortitude of the certain.
Leo Buscaglia
To be a lover is not to make love,
but to find a new way to live.
Paul La Cour
The gratification of the senses soon becomes a very small part of that profound and complicated sentiment which we call Love. Love, on the contrary, is a universal thirst for a communion, not merely of the senses, but of our whole nature, intellectual, imaginative and sensitive. He who finds his antitype, enjoys a love perfect and enduring; time cannot change it, distance cannot remove it; the sympathy is complete.
Benjamin Disraeli - Henrietta Temple
You give me thoughtful gifts -- sugar almonds, a Vivaldi album, white home-grown chrysanthemums for my bedside table, a surprise walk through the bluebell woods. But the best thing is when I surprise you deep at work or you spot me in a crowd and your eyes light up with pleasure. For me, the best thing is to know how much you love me.
Helen Exley
He who loves with purity considers not the
gift of the lover, but the love of the giver.
Thomas á Kempis
My lover is mine and I am his.
Old Testament - Song of Songs
Lovers remember all things.
Ovid - Heroides
A lover without discretion is no lover at all.
Thomas Hardy
Ay me! for aught that I could ever read,
Could ever hear by tale or history,
The course of true love never did run smooth.
William Shakespeare - A Midsummer-Night's Dream
Lovers beneath the singing sky of May
They wandered once; clear as the dew on flowers:
But they fed not on the advancing hours:
Their hearts held cravings for the buried day.
Then each applied to each that fatal knife,
Deep questioning, which probes to endless dole.
Ah, what a dusty answer gets the soul
When hot for certainties in this our life!-
In tragic hints here see what evermore
Moves dark as yonder midnight ocean's force,
Thundering like ramping hosts of warrior horse
To throw that faint thin line upon the shore!
George Meredith - Modern Love
The quarrelling of lovers is the renewal of love.
It is easier to keep half a dozen lovers guessing than
to keep one lover after he has stopped guessing.
Helen Rowland
If you shall find my lover, what shall you
say to him? Tell him I am sick with love.
Old Testament - Song of Songs
Lovers who have nothing to do but love each other are not really
to be envied; love and nothing else very soon is nothing else.
Walter Lippmann
Essentially man is not a slave either of himself or of the world; but he is a lover. His freedom and fulfilment is in love, which is another name for erfect comprehension. By this power of comprehension, this permeation of his being, he is united with the all-pervading Spirit, who is also the breath of his soul. Where a man tries to raise himself to eminence by pushing and jostling all others, to achieve a distinction by which he prides himself to be more than everybody else, there he is alienated from that Spirit.
Rabindranath Tagore - Sadhana
The more we permit the lover to know us, the more worthy of his love we become; as his searching gaze probes even deeper into our personality, he discovers riches of which no-one else was ever aware and in which we scarcely dare to believe. But, because he sees within us, we actually become the good that he sees. By reinforcing the very tentative inclinations of the beloved, the lover actually creates his beloved.
We become that which the lover wants us to be, and he becomes that which we want him to be. When he reacts positively to our tentative, fragile, yet courageous self-revelation, with warmth and affection and encouragement, we discover resources in ourselves of which we had always dreamed but whose reality we could not believe. The lover, in other words, is a person who makes our dreams about ourselves come true.
Andrew M Greeley - The Friendship Game